The city suspended curbside composting on May 5, 2020 due to COVID-19-related budget cuts, and since then eco-conscious New Yorkers have had to either throw their scraps in with the regular garbage or find a private composting spot.
Thankfully, a number of community gardens have stepped up to help.
As of this week there are now at least three in Upper Manhattan that accept food scraps. Here are their addresses and hours:
Central Harlem 321 W 126th St between St. Nicholas Ave and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd
Wednesdays and Sundays 4pm-6pm, follow on Facebook for more info
This garden is now accepting fruits, vegetables, eggshells, coffee, tea, nuts, dried flowers and houseplants.
West Harlem W 138th and 12th Avenue
Saturdays 11am-1pm, weather permitting; follow on Facebook for more info
Add browns provided by the garden to your scraps (1:3 ratio), chop, then drop. Gardeners are there to offer help if needed.
Inwood 1835 Riverside Drive (corner of Broadway and Dyckman St)
Tuesdays and Thursdays 8am-10am & 4pm-7pm, Saturdays 9am-noon; follow on Facebook for more info
Now open to the public as part of Phase 4 (see hours), this garden accepts: vegetable and fruit peels/pits/scraps, eggshells, coffee grounds and filters, tea leaves and paper tea bags (no plastic tea bags), plus dead houseplants/leaves (but no houseplants affected by plant disease, fungus, or pests).
Thanks to @harlem.zerowaste.initiative for the info. And if you're looking for a full list of composting spots across the city, be sure to check out @ahealthyblueprint.